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Eleonora agora nega treinamento na Colômbia
Informa o Estadão em outro texto. Volto depois:A ministra Eleonora Menicucci (Secretaria de Política para as Mulheres) afirmou, por intermédio de curta nota divulgada na noite de ontem, com três itens, que nunca esteve na Colômbia. Disse ainda, no mesmo documento, que a entrevista em que teria dito até que fez curso de aborto no país vizinho “contém imprecisões que a levaram a requerer, em 2010, a sua retirada do site (da Universidade de Santa Catarina)”. Por fim, na nota, a ministra reafirmou que mantém suas convicções, “expressas em entrevista coletiva realizada em 7 de fevereiro de 2012″, e reitera que, como integrante do governo federal, “defende integralmente as posições do governo”.
Ora…Fica parecendo que inventei o seu estágio na Colômbia. Terei de reproduzir de novo o trecho:
Eleonora - Dois anos Aí, em São Paulo, eu integrei um grupo do Coletivo Feminista Sexualidade e Saúde. (…). E, nesse período, estive também pelo Coletivo fazendo um treinamento de aborto na Colômbia.
Joana - Certo.
Eleonora - O Coletivo nós críamos em 95.
Joana - Como é que era esse curso de aborto?
Eleonora - Era nas clínicas de aborto. A gente aprendia a fazer aborto.
Joana - Aprendia a fazer aborto?
Eleonora - Com aspiração AMIU.
Joana - Com aquele…
Eleonora - Com a sucção.
Joana - Com a sucção. Imagino.
Eleonora - Que eu chamo de AMIU. Porque a nossa perspectiva no Coletivo, a nossa base…
Joana - …é que as pessoas se auto autofizessem!
Eleonora - Autocapacitassem! E que pessoas não médicas podiam…Joana - Claro!
Eleonora - Lidar com o aborto.
Joana - Claro!.
Eleonora - Então vieram duas feministas que eram clientes, usuárias do Coletivo, as quais fizeram o primeiro auto-exame comigo. Então é uma coisa muito linda.
Joana - Hum.
Eleonora - Muito bonita! Descobrirem o colo do útero e…
Joana - Hum.
Eleonora - Ter uma pessoa que segura na mão.
Que imprecisão pode haver aí? Está tudo claro! Por que Eleonora mentiria sobre a sua experiência em 2004? Eu diria, apegado apenas à lógica, que ela teria mais motivos para mentir agora. Afinal, o aborto ainda é crime na Colômbia — excetuando-se risco de morte da mãe, estupro e má-formação do feto. E, ainda assim, as exceções datam de 2006. Não fica bem o país ter num ministério uma senhora que confessa que atravessou a fronteira para praticar crimes no país vizinho.
Mais: a experiência é relatada como parte de um trabalho de “autocapacitação” para o aborto, o que é de lascar!. Notem que o “façamos nós mesmos” chega à, vamos dizer, visita ao “colo do útero”. Segundo entendi, essa coisa “muito bonita” foi feita pela própria Eleonora nas companheiras. Colo de útero não é lugar de fazer turismo. Pode-se chegar lá como parte de uma “coisa bonita”, sim, mas aí já não se trata de atividade relacionada à saúde, privativa dos médicos.
Dona Eleonora é irredimível. Mas é irredimível por suas próprias palavras, em 2004 ou em 2012. Eu só descobri a entrevista, escondidinha no site na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. As palavras, no entanto, são da agora ministra.
Brazil’s new women’s minister was trained to do abortions, had two of her own children aborted
ResponderExcluirby Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
February 14, 2012 ( - Brazil’s new Women’s Policy Minister, Eleonora Menicucci, was trained in Colombia to personally perform abortions, according to an interview published yesterday by Brazilian columnist Reinaldo Azevedo.
Speaking about her past as a militant, Menicucci notes that in 1995 “I was a member of a Feminist Sexuality and Health Collective, and, at that time, through the Collective, I was also doing a course on abortion in Colombia.”
Asked “what was that course on abortion like?” Menicucci responds, “It was in the abortion clinics. We learned to do abortions.” She adds that the purpose was to “self-train” so that “non-doctors could deal with abortions.”
During the course of the interview, Menicucci adds that the abortions were “suction abortions,” also known as “Manual Inter-Uterine Aspiration” abortions.
Abortion was illegal in Colombia in 1995, where most abortions continue to be prohibited today. In addition to performing abortions, Menicucci admits to having had at least one of her two abortions in Brazil, where the procedure is also illegal in all but cases of rape.
The interview, which was conducted in 2004 and discovered by Azevedo in the archives of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, reveals much about the worldview of the one who has been selected to oversee women’s policy for the Brazil’s executive branch.
Menicucci says that she had one of her unborn children killed while she was engaged in armed struggle against the government in the 1970s, because the terrorist organization she had joined decided that it wasn’t compatible with her activities as a member.
“My judgment was that I had to carry out the armed struggle… And an important detail in that course (of action) is that, six months after my daughter was born, I was impregnated again,” Manicucci tells the interviewer.
“At that point, together with the organization, we decided, the organization, us, that I should have an abortion. In the situation, to have another child, no?...That was the second abortion that I did,” she says.
Menicucci reveals that she was so sexually promiscuous that she was “very much questioned” by the left, and that the revolutionary group of which she was a member, “for security reasons,” wanted her to “only have sexual relations with members of my organization.”
Menicucci also discusses her first lesbian encounter - which occurred while she was married. However, she assures her interviewer, there was no problem because “he was a very libertarian guy.”
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has stirred controversy in Brazil in recent days by her appointment of Menicucci, who was incarcerated with Rousseff during the 1970s, when they were arrested for terrorism. Menicucci’s unapologetic pro-abortion stance seems to belie Rousseff’s claim to be pro-life, which was key to her victory in the 2010 presidential elections.
Menicucci is scheduled to speak this week at the United Nations, when she will reportedly make assurances that the Brazilian executive is combating pro-life legislation.